Friday 2 March 2012

A Morning Out In Wensleydale

Yesterday morning I drove up Wensleydale to Leyburn. I had some items of furniture to collect which I had bought in an antique auction. I go to auctions from time to time to furnish my guests rooms. On the journey I always stop to admire the views. This is a photograph of Middleham, near Leyburn. Middleham is well known for its castle, where Richard the third spent his childhood. Middleham is also well known for its connections with the horse racing world. There are a large number of stables in the town which train the horses on the nearby gallops on the moors. Something of interest is the fact that 'The Middleham Pendant', which is hundreds of years old and was sold at auction some years ago, was found by someone with a metal detector just outside  the castle in a farmers field. The pendant sold for well in excess of 1 million pounds - some find! The money was split between the finder and the land owner.

Middleham, its castle and Penhill in the background.